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  • Has anyone on here been so affected by the pollen/pollution that they've had to stop running outdoors, for a while? I'm a hayfever sufferer and take meds much of the year. My run on grass last Tuesday didn't end well and trying again last Sunday wasn't much better, so no running since. Only coughing up a small piece of my lung today, so progress.

    I'm not a gym member, as was using running/cycling + stretches for fitness/weight loss. I may have to revisit that option and review a mask for the commute.

  • Try getting out for a walk or run as dawn breaks*. Means 4am gettup at mo but I have found it to alleviate symptoms which then stay settled.

    '*Might be as effective as necking blue smarties, but its a change I made which means i'm hayfever med free with occasional bad day of symptoms instead of ongoing pills & sprays use whilst still suffering most days.

  • It's been awful this year. Even having taken an antihistamine pre-run this morning my throat was so swollen it felt like I was trying to swallow broken glass, and I couldn't speak properly.

    Was fine a few hours later, and managed to run this evening feeling ok.


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