to flange the pin you just give it a wack with something to flare it out. theres no special tool needed. you just need it to flare to stop from falling out. figure out it's mechanical purpose then work to that. its not a Brompton specific anything, its just a hella basic metal hinge.
I think when I did it I used the corner of a chisel a couple of times to get an even flare then pressed something in to it to flare it out evenly all round.
you can get them,,esvq:,esvadt:999999-0-1324678-1,esvcrea:237693822154,esvplace:,esvd:c,esvtg:pla-420048739844,esvo:EV301230-NA-SVR,esvaid:50080&esvt=59748-GOUKE4844156&esvq=&esvadt=999999-0-1324678-1&esvcrea=237693822154&esvplace=&esvd=c&esvtg=pla-420048739844&esvo=EV301230-NA-SVR&esvaid=50080&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIo5eEoq7R2wIVBN-yCh2pFAXdEAYYAiABEgLLYvD_BwE
to flange the pin you just give it a wack with something to flare it out. theres no special tool needed. you just need it to flare to stop from falling out. figure out it's mechanical purpose then work to that. its not a Brompton specific anything, its just a hella basic metal hinge.
I think when I did it I used the corner of a chisel a couple of times to get an even flare then pressed something in to it to flare it out evenly all round.