• It is and I support the proposal. It may, however, be a vote loser.

  • It is and I support the proposal. It may, however, be a vote loser.

    It won't make much difference in the council estate where I live.

    We are inside the zone and there are hundreds of 20 year old cars cluttering the place up.

    But as none of them ever move they will be exempt from the charge.

  • Many city dwelling folk have a car they use very occasionally (doesn't make financial sense to have latest car and only use it 5 times a year), usually to get straight out of city to somewhere else , feel like taxing the crap out of these folk is a bit shitty myself, especially when your big pollutants (ancient bad condition taxi) are almost exempt.

    Will be lots more number plate theft off modern cars I think, esp modern cars with private plates. If only to get out of ulez zone then put your normal plates back on ;)
