The boy is doing much better than originally thought, thankfully. At least two of the men who've been arrested for attempted murder are neighbours of yours, they live on the same road. The kids involved go to Dunraven, so are around the area on week days at this time - many of them getting the train or buses home from Streatham High Road. Hopefully things will be quiet today.
Not so sure, some on twitter have the idea they started early but fingers crossed it's just people being jumpy.
Yeah - we live on Amesbury - this was 5 or 6 doors down from my house. We had just left for the weekend so missed it (a huge fight broke out as I understand it, prior to the stabbing) but it leaves us wondering how to address and message this with our 6 and 3yr old boys. Quite a few residents naturally horrified, as others have said, with the age of the victim and the time of day - just so brazen. I had heard the boy was recovering well, but nevertheless, tragic.