That sounds exactly what it should be used for... I think when I bought it I had fantasies of using it for something exciting like that, but in the end I mostly just used it for the odd event where filming on a DSLR was too annoying. I think they were quite popular as stealth documentary cameras weren't they? With the handle removed it can just look like a regular camcorder.
Not quite sure how I could warranty it exactly... I think I'd just have to sell it with the condition that I'm reasonable and not out to rip anyone off and would refund if any issues occurred within whatever time frame.
Send me a PM at some point and can discuss.
That doesn't sound unreasonable, but let me research when I'm not so busy - will PM you after the weekend probably. Obviously warranty expired but would be happy to refund if it explodes within a few months (it won't).
What would you be using it for out of interest?