Should get you started! Not sure if it'll interface directly with the DRO (doubtful) but I'm just looking for the cable now.
do I rip it all out and buy a £250 eBay DRO kit from China?
If you don't want to disappear down the rabbit hole after Brian Block, starting fresh is probably a good idea. His mill is probably slightly bigger than yours, so he needs to keep his existing scales :)
One for Tester or other engineering types...
I have a mill with some linear calliper things on each axis and a DRO box, but the cables are shot.
Every cheap set of digital calipers in the world seems to come with a “data output port” which is what I’m using, but for the life of me I cannot find any cable or loose plug that is designed to fit said port. The DRO side is RJ11 I think.
Do these cables exist, what should I be Googling? Or do I rip it all out and buy a £250 eBay DRO kit from China?