• so you rode faster on the 25 (26.3 mph) than the 10 (26mph) for 40w less power, obviously the course and weather has significant impact so its not a great test, but i'd be tempted to stick with the change and see if with some adaptation you can regain some of that power.

    have you looked at my windsock, it runs CDA calculations based on power and weather conditions without having to faff with aerolab, if I could get my ass in gear it could be really useful for aero testing if you create each run as a separate activity.

  • Yeah, the courses vary massively, s/c on a half decent surface with a 10-12mph tailwind out/headwind home, against a super smooth d/c on a very calm day. In both the pressure was average at best.

    Am I right in thinking you can just upload a Garmin file, or do you have to use a Strava segment?
