I managed 200ish miles on it during the summer last year, realised it was too small and has been kept locked away and unused since then. No winter miles. Unchanged since i bought it, bike has couple of scuffs to the paint, but no dings etc.
Its a great do it all bike, just slightly too small for me (or rather i am too inflexible) and far too nice to hang on to when its not being used.
Not interested in splitting, can meet in Central London, London bridge or Waterloo or Surrey.
Bought this lovely bike from here a year ago and after riding it for a couple of hundred miles have realised that it is too small for me.
Original spec and details can be seen here.
I managed 200ish miles on it during the summer last year, realised it was too small and has been kept locked away and unused since then. No winter miles. Unchanged since i bought it, bike has couple of scuffs to the paint, but no dings etc.
Its a great do it all bike, just slightly too small for me (or rather i am too inflexible) and far too nice to hang on to when its not being used.
Not interested in splitting, can meet in Central London, London bridge or Waterloo or Surrey.
If you need more info, please let me know.
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