Hard to see in photos, I’ve tried to point at the crossing which should be woven. Instead there’s a good few mm between the spokes.
I’ve put it in the truing stand and it could do with a slight tweak but otherwise it’s fine.
Pulled the rim tape back and spoke length seems pretty good, like I’d imagine if you did the calculations for weaving the spokes (as most spoke calculators and formulas would) and then didn’t weave them you’d be left with excess spoke sticking out the top of the nipples?
Hard to see in photos, I’ve tried to point at the crossing which should be woven. Instead there’s a good few mm between the spokes.
I’ve put it in the truing stand and it could do with a slight tweak but otherwise it’s fine.
Pulled the rim tape back and spoke length seems pretty good, like I’d imagine if you did the calculations for weaving the spokes (as most spoke calculators and formulas would) and then didn’t weave them you’d be left with excess spoke sticking out the top of the nipples?
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