Looking for a fairly normal looking hoodie I can wear day to day but also has some cycling features like rear pocket, lower back, breathable fabric etc.
Any suggestions?
Had something by a company called U24 or something before but it died and alwaysriding don't seem to sell that brand any more if they even exist.
EDIT: Found Chrome Hybrid hoodie which fits bill but looks a little too technical over casual.
I might have a navy u24 hoody knocking around. would be an l or xl. can have a look. if it fits you can have it. I think i wore it once about 4 years ago.
Cycling friendly hoodies?
Looking for a fairly normal looking hoodie I can wear day to day but also has some cycling features like rear pocket, lower back, breathable fabric etc.
Any suggestions?
Had something by a company called U24 or something before but it died and alwaysriding don't seem to sell that brand any more if they even exist.
EDIT: Found Chrome Hybrid hoodie which fits bill but looks a little too technical over casual.