It’s going for an MOT today, which means it needed the old wheel re-fitting as the MOT tester refused to test it yesterday with the Porsche/Momo one. I’ll collect it tomorrow, go to see my parents and then onto Simply Porsche in Beaulieu first thing on Sunday.
I sat in it today- they’ve done great work on the seat, I can see all the clocks now, with the wheel the correct distance from me, and the seat the correct distance from the pedals. Really happy with that.
It’s going for an MOT today, which means it needed the old wheel re-fitting as the MOT tester refused to test it yesterday with the Porsche/Momo one. I’ll collect it tomorrow, go to see my parents and then onto Simply Porsche in Beaulieu first thing on Sunday.
I sat in it today- they’ve done great work on the seat, I can see all the clocks now, with the wheel the correct distance from me, and the seat the correct distance from the pedals. Really happy with that.