Yesterday I needed to get a BB out of a frame that had been in there since 1996. I couldn't do it myself as the tool I have is just home mechanic sized not shop grade.
Anyway so I went to the shop on OKR called Happy Cycles. Guy says no problem and gets out a worse BB tool than I was using and an adjustable spanner, tries to get it to move and can't. Says the BB is really stuck and won't move but he can get it out for £30 if I leave the bike there.
Are you fucking kidding? You used an adjustable spanner and you have cyclist arms. It needs LEVERAGE - that's why I'm here.
Told him thanks but no thanks and walked up to Cycle Fix on OKR. Guy got it out in about 4 minutes using a big tool and a long bar.
I told him the story about Happy Cycle and he was laughing so much it added at least 1 minute to getting the BB out. Charged me £10
Yesterday I needed to get a BB out of a frame that had been in there since 1996. I couldn't do it myself as the tool I have is just home mechanic sized not shop grade.
Anyway so I went to the shop on OKR called Happy Cycles. Guy says no problem and gets out a worse BB tool than I was using and an adjustable spanner, tries to get it to move and can't. Says the BB is really stuck and won't move but he can get it out for £30 if I leave the bike there.
Are you fucking kidding? You used an adjustable spanner and you have cyclist arms. It needs LEVERAGE - that's why I'm here.
Told him thanks but no thanks and walked up to Cycle Fix on OKR. Guy got it out in about 4 minutes using a big tool and a long bar.
I told him the story about Happy Cycle and he was laughing so much it added at least 1 minute to getting the BB out. Charged me £10