ha. Yes, like a dog with a bone, I know...
For all that, the quotation is a summary of stuff that's already in the public domain and informs people's view of Froome/Sky. I don't think it's particularly inflammatory to mention it in an opinion piece that specifically discusses Froome's stage 19 performance and all the polemic about it. The phrase lingers like a bad smell is pretty apt too-the Salbutamol affair is all anyone has talked about since it was leaked-in the absence of Sky publicly explaining what their defense is, again, people will assume the worst.
Anyway, make of it what you will-I didn't read it as particularly anti Froome, and I really couldn't care either way if it is or isn't, I just don't understand why people are so upset about it.
You're one of the worst people to get into an argument with on this thread - and I do mean it in the most respectful way :) - but quotes like:
while she knows perfectly well that if the salbutamol case was not made public (which it should not have been), Froome's attack would not have anything to do with 'bad smell', only goes to show she's taking the CN side of things, which is anti-Froome.
And again, I'm fine with CN openly talking shit about Sky and Froome, after all it's just journalism, but to get the same thing from an ex-rider is surprising - in a bad way.