Now we're talking value! Swapped out the nice, but heavy DA skewers for some ebay ones. Ti axle, 7075 levers and brass washers. Quality seems great and they cost me £7 including shipping. That's 11gr per £ 🤓 I also ordered some black ones that hasn't arrived yet, but sort of feeling the 420 look too.
Bike is currently around 7.7kg including XTR pedals and bottle cages. Still have to fit the direct mount ring, find some other bars and change the worn out 38mm tires for some 35s.
Weather in Norway is amazing these days. Hasn't rained for weeks and it's 25 degrees every day. Had a nice 3.5hr gravel ride yesterday. Bike feels amazing.
Now we're talking value! Swapped out the nice, but heavy DA skewers for some ebay ones. Ti axle, 7075 levers and brass washers. Quality seems great and they cost me £7 including shipping. That's 11gr per £ 🤓 I also ordered some black ones that hasn't arrived yet, but sort of feeling the 420 look too.
Bike is currently around 7.7kg including XTR pedals and bottle cages. Still have to fit the direct mount ring, find some other bars and change the worn out 38mm tires for some 35s.
Weather in Norway is amazing these days. Hasn't rained for weeks and it's 25 degrees every day. Had a nice 3.5hr gravel ride yesterday. Bike feels amazing.
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