I said to myself I would keep off this website except for genuine sellers.
I agree that this is a community, but your not a great member of it. I checked my original post and it was made 2 weeks ago, now how can you remember an obscure post by a new member from two weeks ago, seems like you spend a great deal of time on this website.
I have a chip on my shoulder because you're putting yourself on a pedestal, (You already have a thread for this, My further advice would be to relax), whilst putting other users (i.e me) down, (Giving you advice as you are new). Basically this post doesn't affect you in anyway put something meant you just had to comment on how is was using the site wrong, to stroke your own ego.
As I said, this site is great but I see a lot of dick measuring contests on here, so thats why I'm getting a bit pissed. I was just looking for an item for sale, what did you get from this exactly? If I kept opening new threads I could see your point but i've made two threads? Is that a crime?
Tbh as I said I think this website isn't for me, from my experience it's hard to sell anything on this site due to the "banter" you get around the forum model.
So, rant over. Bob my advice would be don't waste time on classifieds.
I said to myself I would keep off this website except for genuine sellers.
I agree that this is a community, but your not a great member of it. I checked my original post and it was made 2 weeks ago, now how can you remember an obscure post by a new member from two weeks ago, seems like you spend a great deal of time on this website.
I have a chip on my shoulder because you're putting yourself on a pedestal, (You already have a thread for this, My further advice would be to relax), whilst putting other users (i.e me) down, (Giving you advice as you are new). Basically this post doesn't affect you in anyway put something meant you just had to comment on how is was using the site wrong, to stroke your own ego.
As I said, this site is great but I see a lot of dick measuring contests on here, so thats why I'm getting a bit pissed. I was just looking for an item for sale, what did you get from this exactly? If I kept opening new threads I could see your point but i've made two threads? Is that a crime?
Tbh as I said I think this website isn't for me, from my experience it's hard to sell anything on this site due to the "banter" you get around the forum model.
So, rant over. Bob my advice would be don't waste time on classifieds.