I enjoyed BF1 a lot but this seems a lot more... Quakey. Guess we'll wait and see.
PS - gameplay bits I referred to: the climb / vault at 1:22 seemed far higher than the usual 'you can climb over this perfect sized block or nothing' I'd expect. Similarly the slide and shoot a little while later. Maybe misremembering but can't recall that action from previous things.
I enjoyed BF1 a lot but this seems a lot more... Quakey. Guess we'll wait and see.
PS - gameplay bits I referred to: the climb / vault at 1:22 seemed far higher than the usual 'you can climb over this perfect sized block or nothing' I'd expect. Similarly the slide and shoot a little while later. Maybe misremembering but can't recall that action from previous things.
And from their CD: "...Well everything is shot in-game, and everything will happen in the game - it's all game engine and it's all going to happen, so it's a cinematic take on it.
Will there be a disclaimer saying it's not quite representative of real gameplay?
No! Everything that happens in there will be in the final thing. It's cramming a lot that's new in there, I'm pretty amazed by what the team has managed to squeeze in"