They're on the ACA website.
The first few letters of the name indicate the type of service: AS: City, All services (Includes a restaurant, post office, grocery and/or convenience store, and motel or B&B) B&B: Bed & Breakfast BAR: Bar BKH: Bunkhouse BRD: Border Crossing BS: Bike Shop CBN: Cabin CG: Campground COC: Cyclists Only Camping COL: Cyclists Only Lodging CS: Convenience Store FER: Ferry G: Grocery HOS: Hostel HS: Hot Springs INF: Information (service) LIB: Library M: Hotel/motel or Cabin NS: City, No Services OS: Outdoor Store POI: Point of Interest (on IHS, also Hot Springs) R: Restaurant RA: Rest area RST: Restroom TP: Teepee WAG: Wagon WS: Water Stop YRT: Yurt
Be careful if you're using their maps or if you're using someone else's route as they differ and differ between years, so make sure it tallies with what's on the TABR site.
I'm carving up Nathan's official v2 and manually adding in the POIs that I think are useful from this route https://ridewithgps.com/routes/26691368
(created a couple of months ago). I'm sure there'll be some services that are missing/closed next month but I won't get time to do proper due diligence on everything. All left a bit late and I always manage to forget how long the process takes.
All the POIs on the RWGPS routes:
"CG,M,R-Cave-In-Rock State Park"
Camp Ground and a few others are obvious. No idea what M and R are for etc.