Hovering around the 90kg mark and have been there for a long time, which on the BMI puts me just into overweight territory.
Have increased the mileage a lot on the bicycle, pretty much commuting everything single day now and any weekend trips I'm using the bicycle now - unless I need to cycle.
Have been eating a mainly plant-based/ vegan diet for the past 8 weeks and I do feel a lot better for doing so.
The only thing I can think it's down to is my beer consumption.
Ah well back to MFP and cutting out mid week drinks...
Hovering around the 90kg mark and have been there for a long time, which on the BMI puts me just into overweight territory.
Have increased the mileage a lot on the bicycle, pretty much commuting everything single day now and any weekend trips I'm using the bicycle now - unless I need to cycle.
Have been eating a mainly plant-based/ vegan diet for the past 8 weeks and I do feel a lot better for doing so.
The only thing I can think it's down to is my beer consumption.
Ah well back to MFP and cutting out mid week drinks...