A customer wanted track dropouts like the Bear ones we used for the sscx bikes. So Sam asked be to improve it based on the other as dropouts I have designed for him.
It is an aesthetic for sure. But ease of fabrication also makes it worth it as mitres are easy to do and easy to braze.
Re spanner: it might be annoying. Hence the 3D printing. The guy who wants the dropout is aware of this. Maybe he is using Allen key axles?
or he is using a socket head wrench?
Where is the chain stay supposed to be attached? If you're CNC'ing anyway, you could possibly loose some of the hood towards the bottom of the dropout to allow for better wrench access.
if I'm snarky it's only because it looks like you work on of my dream jobs.
Whats the point of hooded dropouts? Is it aesthetic? Looks like it'd be harder to get a spanner in the corner