• Having had my provisional license for long enough that it's due to expire in August without me having actually ridden a bike I think it's time to start looking into getting something and getting my lessons out of the way...

    I have a Ducati 600SS that I've been chipping away at a rebuild on and turning it into a sort of cafe racer/ custom effort but I know I'm going to be absolutely crippled on insurance for such a thing as a learner rider so I was thinking I'd be better off with something that's already learner legal...

    Bizarrely (or not) due to the power to weight ratio most of the big HDs are learner legal and I've been admiring an advert for this beauty at €5,900...

    Is this an absolutely stupid idea?

  • How old are you? I'm guessing you're not based in the UK if the price is in € but I was surprised at how cheap insurance is as a freshly qualified rider...

  • I'm 29 but the Irish insurance industry is our best joke since Paddy Englishman, Paddy Irishman, Paddy Scotsman...

    Have to admit the idea of a big torquey sled kind of appeals to me too, it's mostly just going to be used for sunny Sunday coffee spins anyway, I have mountain bikes sating my adrenaline quotient and the roads and drivers here are even worse than the UK!
