Yeh really good right? I powered through all the available episodes pretty quickly.
As you enjoyed that, Caught by WNYC might be of interest too. https://www.wnycstudios.org/shows/caught
Good recommendation! Really bleak but interesting.
I've been listening to a podcast called "Profiles in Eccentricity" the last couple of days. Would recommend it if you're into Last Podcast on The Left etc. 2 comedians discussing weird subjects and characters from history, same sort of dark humour as LPOTL.EDIT: I retract this reccomendation. Enjoyed the first couple of episodes but have decided the hosts kind of seem like dickheads and a lot of the subject matter isn't that interesting.
Ear Hustle was a great reccomendation, thanks! Listened to quite a few over the last few days, really interesting stuff.