• I had my rear mavic aksium wheel trued on Wednesday at my LBS.

    I have noticed since then the spokes are making a clicking/popping sound, especially noticeable at low speeds.

    Should I take the wheel back to the bike shop that trued it?

  • Sounds like it hasn't been stress relieved: I think the spokes are still wound-up and the noise is them unwinding.

    Yes, I'd take it back. The spokes may not unwind evenly, so the tension should be checked.

    I'd expect any half-decent mechanic to have done this before giving you the wheel back.

  • Cheers for the info. The wheel does have a buckle to it again.

    I can’t pop in until Thursday, but hopefully that should be ok.

  • I think the spokes are still wound-up

    That was my first thought, then I looked at the Aksium I have laying around here and thought surely even the most incompetent shop mechanic couldn't leave wind-up in spokes which are that flattened :)
