Solicitors, we let our mortgage advisor appoint our solicitor last monday. who called us almost immediately to take a £60 deposit of some sort.
Since then we've had nada from them. they were supposed to send a bunch of stuff over to us according to our advisor. I called multiple times last week and all times rang through to answerphone where i left messages. No call backs at all.
We got a letter through from them on tuesday this week that contains our contacts name and then a whole page on how to send them money when they ask for it.
Called multiple times again this week, our advisor has got into direct contact twice this week (he seems to be able to get through on the phone fine) and both times they've said 'we sent the welcome pack! we'll try again'
Starting to think if they can't even get this right we should look for someone whos at least responsive. will this look weird to the vendor?
Solicitors, we let our mortgage advisor appoint our solicitor last monday. who called us almost immediately to take a £60 deposit of some sort.
Since then we've had nada from them. they were supposed to send a bunch of stuff over to us according to our advisor. I called multiple times last week and all times rang through to answerphone where i left messages. No call backs at all.
We got a letter through from them on tuesday this week that contains our contacts name and then a whole page on how to send them money when they ask for it.
Called multiple times again this week, our advisor has got into direct contact twice this week (he seems to be able to get through on the phone fine) and both times they've said 'we sent the welcome pack! we'll try again'
Starting to think if they can't even get this right we should look for someone whos at least responsive. will this look weird to the vendor?