Either me or the bike or both normally look weird and I have a big mouth so tend to stand out.
Same thing happened chatting with Smeth. Apparently we'd met before but of course 'all you English look the same' :)
Keep riding fixed and I'll probably recognise you. I know Justin's face from Straight Outta Hackney (and lying on the ground during a HB300). Maybe I need to be at a pub or with beer for that part of my brain to work :)
Oh yeah, you mentioned that but I have no recollection. I think I rode the short version with the missus or was that another event? I have such shit memory.
Brimstone was in the calendar but it's only a week before TABR so unlikely I'll actually do it.
I still need to work out kit choice. I think I'll go back to the bigger saddle pack for wider temp variation options and leave the jacket out of my framebag so it doesn't mess with my knees.