Yes I see, wasn't thinking. Due to missing some drag factors, the cdA is higher than would be, change still representative.
I checked some numbers off cyclingpowerlab. So these cda are high, but give a good speed (which is what matters).
The possible saving does seem to be in the region of 2-4 hours. So that is substantial. But as a % of overall time (220 hours) small. Plus is a carbon 24h rim more likely to break, hippy can answer that!
32h, but yeah, I won't be using deep rims on ultras again nor will I be using cheap Chinese carbon rims again. Works well as tubeless... pity I have no bike to use it on though.
Yes I see, wasn't thinking. Due to missing some drag factors, the cdA is higher than would be, change still representative.
I checked some numbers off cyclingpowerlab. So these cda are high, but give a good speed (which is what matters).
The possible saving does seem to be in the region of 2-4 hours. So that is substantial. But as a % of overall time (220 hours) small. Plus is a carbon 24h rim more likely to break, hippy can answer that!