I popped out for a run after work yesterday, fairly standard average pace 5k.
Toward the very end I decided to ramp it up a bit and ran the final minute at "quite fast", hit 180bpm (a lot for an old man like me), and when I looked at it on Strava later if I had continued running at that pace I'd have completed 5km in 17 minutes. Needless to say, there was no way I could continue that pace for another 16 minutes.
Still, eye opening, I've run a 20 minute 5k (Park Run), running faster than that is not a linear thing in terms of effort it would appear.
I popped out for a run after work yesterday, fairly standard average pace 5k.
Toward the very end I decided to ramp it up a bit and ran the final minute at "quite fast", hit 180bpm (a lot for an old man like me), and when I looked at it on Strava later if I had continued running at that pace I'd have completed 5km in 17 minutes. Needless to say, there was no way I could continue that pace for another 16 minutes.
Still, eye opening, I've run a 20 minute 5k (Park Run), running faster than that is not a linear thing in terms of effort it would appear.