Yesterday evening, going south round the IMAX at Waterloo, old woman in a Berlingo or some awful equivalent looks right at me as she pulls out onto the junction, I stop, cyclist beside her wanting to filter stops, let car go, shake of head, chuckle with other cyclist, moment ruined by some Team Sky replicant yelling at us to stop pissing around. Probably stopped in the middle of the road so I didn't get killed, chum.
This morning, cycling up Q1 past Lyceum, the road to the right with give way lines (Exeter Road) ignored by van, who, again, looks right at me as he pulls out. Swell guy.
And finally, after that, after watching some tit on a Santander bike try and play skittles with peds on the zebra at Long Acre, I'm riding down Endell Street to follow the road into Betterton St, the two riders ahead of me turning into Shelton Street, I look over my shoulder, some dingus hovering outside my back wheel so I can't move out, so I ease off slightly, to let left turners go and head straight on, only for the guy behind to decide, no, he is going left and I think he has assumed I am going left too and am not signalling(?!). I put on the brakes as he attempts to ride straight through me, exclaim 'what the fuck' (I am still riled at this point by all the other morons), he goes, "oh, sorry, sorry", tries to ride off, I'm speechless, another guy stops and says to the guy how dangerous that was and he just goes "oh come on come on" (wants to get going, not trying to start a fight) and then rides off as I call him a dickhead (or some such, forgotten in my rage) and he just goes "I know, I'm sorry". Me and the other guy ride off, I had to then stop because a) I needed to compose myself b) my back brake was misaligned from slamming it on so hard.
If you are on here, mate, you are a fucking weapon.
Yesterday evening, going south round the IMAX at Waterloo, old woman in a Berlingo or some awful equivalent looks right at me as she pulls out onto the junction, I stop, cyclist beside her wanting to filter stops, let car go, shake of head, chuckle with other cyclist, moment ruined by some Team Sky replicant yelling at us to stop pissing around. Probably stopped in the middle of the road so I didn't get killed, chum.
This morning, cycling up Q1 past Lyceum, the road to the right with give way lines (Exeter Road) ignored by van, who, again, looks right at me as he pulls out. Swell guy.
And finally, after that, after watching some tit on a Santander bike try and play skittles with peds on the zebra at Long Acre, I'm riding down Endell Street to follow the road into Betterton St, the two riders ahead of me turning into Shelton Street, I look over my shoulder, some dingus hovering outside my back wheel so I can't move out, so I ease off slightly, to let left turners go and head straight on, only for the guy behind to decide, no, he is going left and I think he has assumed I am going left too and am not signalling(?!). I put on the brakes as he attempts to ride straight through me, exclaim 'what the fuck' (I am still riled at this point by all the other morons), he goes, "oh, sorry, sorry", tries to ride off, I'm speechless, another guy stops and says to the guy how dangerous that was and he just goes "oh come on come on" (wants to get going, not trying to start a fight) and then rides off as I call him a dickhead (or some such, forgotten in my rage) and he just goes "I know, I'm sorry". Me and the other guy ride off, I had to then stop because a) I needed to compose myself b) my back brake was misaligned from slamming it on so hard.
If you are on here, mate, you are a fucking weapon.
Nice weather though.