I would say greens but they tend to just be all over the A23 for pedestrian safety rather than borough wide stuff or even cycling stuff. Most seem to have noticed if they clump together and give a general positive "active travel" response they can just ignore cycling questions. I know where I am in Streatham the greens are claiming to have a fighting chance at winning so putting extra effort into the area. Lots of bits seem to be Labour safe seats so little in the way of pledges to change or do anything beyond keep the status quo.
I'm in Streatham Wells ward.
In terms of what Labour are pledging, their manifesto says this
We’ve led London on cycling, being recognised by winning the award for
We’ve redesigned dozens of dangerous junctions including in Stockwell,
Kennington and Vauxhall, with further work planned at Waterloo
roundabout and Westminster Bridge Road. We will work with cyclists on
incorporating the recommendations from our Healthy Routes programme
into the forthcoming Lambeth Transport Strategy to make roads quieter
and safer. We will open over ten miles of new, safe cycling routes and
will campaign for funding for the Streatham to Peckham Quietway.We successfully campaigned to bring Santander cycle hire bikes to
Brixton and will push for the extension of cycle hire bikes across the
rest of the borough. We introduced secure cycle hangars to our streets
with over 220 hangars already delivered. To meet the growing demand
for secure cycle parking we will double the number of bike hangars,
providing 1,000 additional cycle hangar spaces over the next four
years.The LDs make the same bike hangars pledge, and everything else I've found is just nice noises about safer streets and active travel, as you say.
Which party do I vote for in Lambeth if my only real council-level concern is cycling infrastructure?