with the North Korea south Korea meeting. Does Trump deserve credit for pushing the issue with sanctions and his unorthodox approach?
NK escalated the tension with their accelerated test program, launching missiles over Japan, claiming to have tested advanced nuclear bomb types, ability to reach US territories etc. Trump merely responded with typical bombast. I have no idea what triggered the recent conciliatory meeting with the South but I doubt it was threats of sanctions or "fire and fury" from the US. Maybe I'm forgetting something?
I have no idea what triggered the recent conciliatory meeting with the South
Aerial photos suggest the test site has collapsed
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/26/north-korea-nuclear-test-site-collapse-may-be-out-of-action-chinaSo I reckon it's his attempt to save face and say they meant to decommission it rather than them not being able to fire any more rockets.
with the North Korea south Korea meeting. Does Trump deserve credit for pushing the issue with sanctions and his unorthodox approach?
not saying he does just asking the question( befor I get flamed) As you know he will take all the credit but how much has he done ???