Good old Baldwin Street. They did try, it is lovely and smooth however the lorries and vans parking on it can get in the way
And this is the council's solution:
And yes the zebra crossing is a ton of fun. That is a zebra crossing for pedestrians AND cyclists, which brings me back to my previous point: sometimes it is fine for pedestrians and cyclists to mix, others its not.
Ah yes, Bristol, you lovely misguided yet ulteriorly motivated clusterfuck of cycling infrastructure. Sometimes I look forward to the impending discombobulation of traffic along routes, spuriously improved by the addition of 'dedicated' lanes, fragmentally spread over otherwise smooth flowing spacious roads. It's often only at these 'entertainment sections' where I choose to use the cycle 'paths/lanes' for my own amusement. Bristol's limp wristed excuse for routes have recently begun to follow the London school of city planning which advocates 'more lanes, more lights, more confusion, look left, look right, look up, look down, look every direction except the one in which you're travelling'.
And your guess is as good as mine who has right of way on that zebra crossing that leads off from the path on Baldwin street!