In theory, if the seller accepts the return he should send you a label. 99% of the time they say "send it back and I'll refund you when I get it" knowing ebay only refunds monies paid in the original transaction. For international shipping I have no idea if the system is the same for every country the seller is in too-i.e in the UK you can send someone an Royal Mail shipping label online through ebay, Germany, no idea.
I fucking hate ebay.
Bought some Shimano AX deltas off a guy in Serbia, finally arrive and one of the mounting bolts has been replaced with a rusty flathead bolt and nut, which apart from being ugly as fucking sin won't fit recessed mountings, will it. Abject fucking dickhead deliberately concealed this in all the fucking listing pictures.
Cue typical ebay bollocks asking me to pay return shipping to get a fucking refund. Waste. Of. My.
Fucking. Time. And. Money.