Definitely there are different approaches that can work. This year is an experiment for me. I've done high mileages in the past and very little speed work. But, with a new baby, I can't just book myself out for the weekend and go off and ride, so I'm doing much less time and higher intensity.
There is a tendency for the Facebook/Strava set to get competitive in terms of number of miles ridden without a load of thought behind it. And a lot of people who do crazy mileages burn themselves out and disappear after a few years.
You've done big races before though so other than missing a bit of butt hardening there's not likely to be a big disadvantage when training this way? It'd be cool to just to tabata or something silly only and see how an ultra race goes.
Definitely there are different approaches that can work. This year is an experiment for me. I've done high mileages in the past and very little speed work. But, with a new baby, I can't just book myself out for the weekend and go off and ride, so I'm doing much less time and higher intensity.
There is a tendency for the Facebook/Strava set to get competitive in terms of number of miles ridden without a load of thought behind it. And a lot of people who do crazy mileages burn themselves out and disappear after a few years.