A few pages back I mentioned that ProAm was the cheapest professional photo lab, well they've join up with a couple of other labs and are now trading as Simlab and (probably unnecessarily) even cheaper.
18 x 12" is £ 1.05
25 x 18" is £ 12.00
They do Giclée too (if that's your thing)
60 x 40" is £ 61.60
A few pages back I mentioned that ProAm was the cheapest professional photo lab, well they've join up with a couple of other labs and are now trading as Simlab and (probably unnecessarily) even cheaper.
18 x 12" is £ 1.05
25 x 18" is £ 12.00
They do Giclée too (if that's your thing)
60 x 40" is £ 61.60