I have a device that is powered from the mains which is plugged in to a computer via USB and sending a signal acting as a webcam. There shouldn't be any power draw over USB. When I have it plugged in it tells me the USB port is disabled because of a high powered device or something and disconnects (at random after between 5-15 minutes). This is fairly not good for the situation (work) I need the device functioning for. Thoughts on how to make it NOT do this?
Question 2.:
Is there a very idiot proof way to set up some kind of virtual monitor on a macbook pro that I could convince the computer is an HDMI external monitor? Something that won't slow down my machine to a crawl ideally.
Question 1.:
I have a device that is powered from the mains which is plugged in to a computer via USB and sending a signal acting as a webcam. There shouldn't be any power draw over USB. When I have it plugged in it tells me the USB port is disabled because of a high powered device or something and disconnects (at random after between 5-15 minutes). This is fairly not good for the situation (work) I need the device functioning for. Thoughts on how to make it NOT do this?
Question 2.:
Is there a very idiot proof way to set up some kind of virtual monitor on a macbook pro that I could convince the computer is an HDMI external monitor? Something that won't slow down my machine to a crawl ideally.