I spent quite a bit of time looking for an old two pocket Type 3 when I was over, had no luck at all... I was very surprised to see I could pick up an OG Big E for only £60, needed a size bigger than I could find tho'... Shame...
Gonna turn it into a battle jacket (don't ask) so didn't wanna spend a fortune, considering using my Real McCoy's Type 2 instead... Doesn't get worn much out here, need to have a long hard think about that... 😳
I spent quite a bit of time looking for an old two pocket Type 3 when I was over, had no luck at all... I was very surprised to see I could pick up an OG Big E for only £60, needed a size bigger than I could find tho'... Shame...
Gonna turn it into a battle jacket (don't ask) so didn't wanna spend a fortune, considering using my Real McCoy's Type 2 instead... Doesn't get worn much out here, need to have a long hard think about that... 😳