I think it's going to pretty much be a permanent change, even once we have lost the weight we want to get rid of.
We both just feel so much better while on this diet, getting quality sleep, energy levels staying steady throughout the day.As far as I'm aware it's an all or nothing thing, if you have cheat days where you allow a bunch more carbs your body gets a bit 'confused' as to what it it's going to use as it's primary fuel source (glucose/glycogen vs fat) so that can leave you feeling pretty rotten for a couple days.
Beer is honestly the only thing we are properly missing (especially now the weather is looking nicer), but now we are on gin/rum we are just drinking less in general which is probably a good thing.
Just keto, wife and I started it at the same time and found it suits us perfectly.
We were trying to calorie count and eat 'healthy' versions of things before, not ever buying cheese/butter etc going to the gym but it never really worked for us.
Basically our diet is:
Less than 20g carbs a day
Green veg
Green salad
Cream instead of milk in coffee
Diet/Zero fizz
One of the huge differences we found was very consistent energy levels, always feel good, no spikes or dips really.
Total lack of proper 'I must eat in the next 10 mins' type of hunger too, which we would both frequently get before starting on this.
Happy that Hawksmoor/Meatliquor are very much ok for going out to eat on this diet :)