It seems like a lot of info, not quite sure which bit of it could really be said to be a clue. Perhaps the housing estate bit. The rest is ‘these used to be shops doncha know’ which, tbh, doesn’t narrow it down much.
Happily, the view seems a bit familiar. I might even try to work out where it is.
It's a big clue that it's a square, because there aren't very many squares in South London. Having said that, if you call that square a square, it's yet another example of London's non-Euclidean geometry. :)
It seems like a lot of info, not quite sure which bit of it could really be said to be a clue. Perhaps the housing estate bit. The rest is ‘these used to be shops doncha know’ which, tbh, doesn’t narrow it down much.
Happily, the view seems a bit familiar. I might even try to work out where it is.