ha yes the bottom bracket will be internal (octalink) so i guess facing is less critical right?
the headtube was cut with the tube cutting tool thing that turns around so i am guessing the cut it orthogonal with the axis of the headtube, in any case i could test it with a 90° L shaped tool of some sort... I will try that for starters and see if it works out.. the problem is if the headtube is a bit ovalised.... (please let it be round!!!!)
cutting tool was this type
Facing doesn’t have anything to do with how easy it is to screw in, yours sounds like the threads are clean and it doesn’t need chasing.
Is it an external bb? If yes and there’s paint on the ‘face’ / they arent parallel then it may need cleaning up / material removed with a facing tool.
With the headset / headtube I guess it’s the same deal.