Hmmmm that is a pretty small budget to play with but doable. Maybe go 560 over 570 and it’ll come in at that. A desktop 560 is notably more powerful than the 560 pros in the bigger machines so you could upgrade to a 13 inch when the time comes and save money over the 15. FCP X uses egpu power but not sure about CC. Oh, more importantly I don’t think your monitors will work with an egpu.
I'm just holding off on the inevitable, wanted to get a bit more life out of the machine I have now if it isn't too expensive to do so... Adobe CC for design and I'll be doing some video stuff too, Logic X for music... I wouldn't want to spend much more than AUD$600 (£350) all in, any more than that and it'll go into the new machine fund instead... This probably isn't a very realistic budget...