On a forum ride to Brighton I found a semi smashed digital camera lying in the road. Picked up and, latter on, perused the recent pics on the 2Gb SD card. A family in pics outside a stately home.
Looked on the map and found the nearest National Trust gaffe to where I had found it. I rang them and told the lost property office and gave them my contact details. Two days later I got an email from the owner and arranged to post it back to him. Just needed his address so emailed to ask for it. He never ever replied, even when I chased it up. I formatted the SD card and kept it.
On a forum ride to Brighton I found a semi smashed digital camera lying in the road. Picked up and, latter on, perused the recent pics on the 2Gb SD card. A family in pics outside a stately home.
Looked on the map and found the nearest National Trust gaffe to where I had found it. I rang them and told the lost property office and gave them my contact details. Two days later I got an email from the owner and arranged to post it back to him. Just needed his address so emailed to ask for it. He never ever replied, even when I chased it up. I formatted the SD card and kept it.