Anyone got any idea about daffadil seeds. I bought a load from eBay and sprinkled them liberally in the garden, they were cheap but I haven't got even one flower.
Do they have to be planted from bulbs?
If so how do they reproduce in nature?
Ultimately the plan was to do some guerrilla planting on the grass verges across the road. But looks like it's already failed.
In nature the bulbs get smaller bulbs added to the main clump that's why if you divide every couple of years they flower more , that's what I love about nature it's always win win except if your a squirrel eating my sweet corn....
Anyone got any idea about daffadil seeds. I bought a load from eBay and sprinkled them liberally in the garden, they were cheap but I haven't got even one flower.
Do they have to be planted from bulbs?
If so how do they reproduce in nature?
Ultimately the plan was to do some guerrilla planting on the grass verges across the road. But looks like it's already failed.