I've built a fair few of the ritcheylogic.com break away frames, either as talbots or sub contracted for other people, and have grown to really like it. If you can find a deal on a group I'd really try going hydro and wireless, sram force would be ideal. 1x/2x is personal preference, although obviously with a cable set up the mech may need fiddling with on reassembly.
Futura gravel fork is great, I use loads of them so can strongly reccomend.
I'd go T47 BB as you can run whatever crank axle standard you want, and it makes your frame builders life easier when welding, although there aren't as many bbs out there for it, but still a good spread.
Tube wise you are slightly limited by the fact you need the right ID to build with the connectors, but in any case you should bear in mind this is going to be in and out of a box a lot, and being treated unkindly by ground crew, so I would consider either something with reasonable wall thickness in the 853 range, or do what Neil did and go the 953 route. I wouldn't use spirit for example, as its too easy to dent.
@Dammit has spent more time thinking about these as a build as well, so assume he will have some sage advice.
I've built a fair few of the ritcheylogic.com break away frames, either as talbots or sub contracted for other people, and have grown to really like it. If you can find a deal on a group I'd really try going hydro and wireless, sram force would be ideal. 1x/2x is personal preference, although obviously with a cable set up the mech may need fiddling with on reassembly.
Futura gravel fork is great, I use loads of them so can strongly reccomend.
I'd go T47 BB as you can run whatever crank axle standard you want, and it makes your frame builders life easier when welding, although there aren't as many bbs out there for it, but still a good spread.
Tube wise you are slightly limited by the fact you need the right ID to build with the connectors, but in any case you should bear in mind this is going to be in and out of a box a lot, and being treated unkindly by ground crew, so I would consider either something with reasonable wall thickness in the 853 range, or do what Neil did and go the 953 route. I wouldn't use spirit for example, as its too easy to dent.
@Dammit has spent more time thinking about these as a build as well, so assume he will have some sage advice.