Frankly, it's all very suspicious. In one version of the story, Corbyn brought beetroot, in another horseradish from his allotment. And was it even from his allotment? We deserve to know the truth.
Now that Malcolm Rifkind has, sharp-mindedly as usual, established beyond any doubt from what Corbyn has said that he is 'on the same side, essentially, as the Russians', the possibility that Corbyn may grow either of these Eastern European vegetables on his allotment takes on added resonance. Is he trying to turn the soil of Britain into an outpost of the Putin Empire?
It all makes me quite sad and I need a happy song to restore my hope in humanity.
Frankly, it's all very suspicious. In one version of the story, Corbyn brought beetroot, in another horseradish from his allotment. And was it even from his allotment? We deserve to know the truth.
Now that Malcolm Rifkind has, sharp-mindedly as usual, established beyond any doubt from what Corbyn has said that he is 'on the same side, essentially, as the Russians', the possibility that Corbyn may grow either of these Eastern European vegetables on his allotment takes on added resonance. Is he trying to turn the soil of Britain into an outpost of the Putin Empire?
It all makes me quite sad and I need a happy song to restore my hope in humanity.