Its a nice dream.
Though I was thinking about MrSweary's attack, I mean he just put his hand up after a close pass. That was obviously a very extreme reaction to that, but it is equivalent to saying don't ever disagree with anyone because they might have a gun and shoot you with it. I mean at the end of the day you have to stand up for yourself, an angry hand wave after a close pass is very justified: if they are looking it will inform the driver they made you uncomfortable but more traffic behind you see it and 9 times out of ten pass you with much more space afforded you. Drivers can't have some free pass for driving dangerously around us just because one of them might be mentally unbalanced enough to use their vehicle as a weapon.
When you've been given a fright, primal mode takes over, and who you really are comes out, and most blokes instinct is to fight fire with fire. Pretty natural imo.
Still, keep trying. Maybe some day you'll reach a level of zen so powerful that nothing will fuck up your chill