At least yours was an impressive tumble, I was on a bumpy lane and a car came around the corner in the middle of the road with a distinct bias towards the tiny bit of space me and my Yates MTB were taking up. I braked and tried to do a sort of wall of death on a dry stone wall, high sided at about 10 MPH, flipped over sideways and landed with the bike still cleated to me.
If I had been going faster I would probably have rolled away, as I have done on plenty of other falls.
Keep the shoulder gently active and you'll be fine. I was off work for four weeks.
Did the same thing (car assisted) to my right shoulder about six years ago. Did lots of exercises that the folks at the hospital told me to do and all was well. I have never bothered to have it operated on. You will find repetitive movements (I have a horse that need to be groomed) can tire you easily and will make the rerouted tendons ache a bit, but it passes. I was on a turbo within days and back on the bike in a month. I have suffered no loss of movement.