Stoking Jewish/Muslim divisions for political gains?
Farage believes in global Jewish conspiracy?
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/us-jewish-lobby-nigel-farage-power-anti-semitism-ukip-leader-a8031191.htmlBit old, but who anti-semites vote for:
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/11345858/Revealed-the-most-anti-Semitic-people-in-Britain-and-who-they-vote-for.html -
More general list of shithouse behaviour, but includes a bit of nazi fancy dress towards the beginning. Didn't spot Rees-Mogg's racist dinner party on there though.
Not meaning to sidetrack, but upthread a few people have said that anti-semitism is also present on the political right. Whilst I'm aware of other incidents of racism / dog whistle politics (Zac's campaign, May's "go back immigrants" vans) I'm not aware of any specific incidences of anti-Semitism on the right. Have been discussing with a (quite right wing) colleague and some concrete examples would be good context, because at the moment it does seem like a problem of the left specifically... Any examples would be welcome