i thought it was spot on
It is literal race side reporting - of course it isn't going to be slick AF, and it was all the better for it.
It has a distinct retro/on-the-fly style which I think they nailed. They don't take themselves too seriously, which is refreshing. They weren't afraid to take strong opinion (like shitting on the early season races in the desert) which is something that big brands often won't do, which was also refreshing.
Loved it and looking forward to more.
I didn't think poorer filler content than GCN was possible but Rapha did it with 'race radio'.
The edit is bad.
Shooting is bad.
Script is bad.
Pls stop.
If there is a lot of cash remaining from 17/18 invest in a new territory, dont make this garbage and water down the brand further more.