I guess weight isn't really an issue with a cargo bike that already weighs loads so maybe you wouldn't even notice a beefy chain that much? Might give you more options for where you can lock up. We actually don't lock the Bullitts we use ever but that's in Leeds, we only leave them unattended for a few minutes at a time in busy areas and they do occasionally go missing so I wouldn't reccomend it!
Looking to buy a bullitt with canopy for kid carriage
My question to you guys is, about locks. What tips do you have for locking these things up? Have you taken any extra measures to ensure you're able to leave these bikes unattended for a long amount of time? Considering they are so long, has anybody found issues with locking on pavement/bike stands?
I saw larryvsharry have an optional extra of ABUS BORDO + DETECTO 8077 ALARM, has anyone gone to the extent of using the alarm?