GOod luck with your programme. Baby steps! My first run last June, only recorded on my kitchen calendar, when I didn't know how to use Strava, just estimated it using gmaps-pedometer, was only 3.5km. And I was wrecked at the end of it and tired the next day.
I finished my first half marathon in early March this year. I enjoy running at night. I miss the social aspect of bike polo, but with two young kids it is impossible for me to play any more in the evenings.
So yes good luck, and keep it up, and I think you'll get to 10km sooner than you think.
Small update: I took the Hal Higdon beginners 5k and the beginners 10k programs and mashed them together for a 15 week 10k program. Finished week 3 saturday morning with a 3,2k run in the park near my house witch turned out to be a 3,6k run when I arived home 22 minutes later. Used Strava on my iPhone to pace myself to prevent going too fast too soon.
Legs feel fine the day after and I'm actualy looking forward to running the same run tomorow morning. Reading about peoples half-marathons and the like makes my run feel teeny but since it's the biggest distance I've ever continuously ran in my whole life I'm pretty chuffed.