So I swapped to a road crank and I used a 'Wolf Tooth' chainring. It's offset so as to reduce the chainline. With FC-9000 it gives a chain line of 47.5mm (normally it's ~51mm for the outer ring) which is perfect for me as the WI freewheel is also 47.5mm. If you went down that road I guess 47.5mm would be close enough to work with a standard (~42mm) fixed chain line?
Wow! I thought the outer ring on a Shimano double is meant to be at 46mm and the inner 41mm (well, the older 5-arm ones...) Your evidence suggests current 4-arm ones are different: needless to say I'll be avoiding that combo ;-) I can't tell from @.kerley's photo if ring is in outer (better looks) or inner (better chainline) position.
Is that chainring in the inner or outer position on the crank and how's the chainline?
Doing some experimenting myself with a 105 FC-5600 road crank (and USE track chainring) but interested because fitting a 39t for HCs.